Bluegrass Workshop 2005
March  5 and 6, 2005 
Featuring Brian Wicklund, Cynthia Wicklund and Ben Winship

Classes in Bluegrass Fiddle and Mandolin and Clogging/Body Percussion open to people of all ages at old University Park School, UAF, located on University Avenue.  Basic Tuition is $65 (2 courses) to $90 (3 courses)


Fiddle Level 1: Entry level fiddle class for people playing at least 6 months  (Suzuki Book 1 equivalent). The focus will be on unison playing and basic bluegrass techniques.

Fiddle Level 2: For students who have been playing 2 - 3 years ( Suzuki Book 2 equivalent). This class will focus on elaboration methods for enriching basic bluegrass tunes.

Fiddle Level 3: For more advanced students (Suzuki Book 3 and up) who understand basic music theory (scales, key changes, etc.). This will include solo improvisation techniques as well as fancy bluegrass tools.

Clogging and Hambone Body Percussion i:  This entry level class will teach the basics, for new students.
Clogging and Hambone Body Percussion ii:  This class will review the basics taught last year and include some new techniques.

Mandolin I : "Mandolin for Fiddle Players". This course is geared for Level 2 and 3 fiddle players who want to try the mandolin (which has the same tuning and fingering as fiddle).  Try and borrow an instrument to bring, but there will be some Eastman mandolins available to use in class.

Mandolin II: Come learn more about mandolin from one of the leading players in the country!  For experienced students.  Topics covered will be determined by the class.

TUNE LISTS: (from American Fiddle Method books)
Fiddle Level 1:  Buffalo Gals,  Arran Boat Song and  Soldier’s Joy (AFM Vol. 1)
Fiddle Level 2: Redwing and Angelina Baker (AFM Vol. 1) and Westphalia Waltz (AFM Vol. 2)
Fiddle Level 3: June Apple, Big Walleye Blues (AFM Vol. 2) and Cripple Creek (to be mailed)
Mandolin I:  Buffalo Gals, Soldier’s Joy and Angelina Baker (AFM Vol. 1)

For more information contact Mary Ver Hoef 457-4567 /
This event is sponsored in part by the Fairbanks Folk Festival (a great thanks to them!).

See Brian Wicklund and Ben Winship in concert Saturday March 5, 2005 at the Blue Loon!  Produced by Acoustic Adventures:

Bluegrass Workshop  Registration Form  2005 (print and mail)
Featuring Brian Wicklund, Cynthia Wicklund and Ben Winship

Student Name:  ___________________________________________________________

If Minor, Parent's name: _____________________________________________________

e-mail address: __________________________________  phone: ____________________

mailing  address:____________________________________________________________

                 WORKSHOP   SCHEDULE  -  MARCH 5  AND 6, 2005
Sat.   Noon – 1:30       TIME          Fiddle             Mandolin           Clogging
Sun.  Noon – 1:00         A              Level 1                    I                        ii
Sat.   1:45 – 3: 15         TIME           Fiddle             Mandolin           Clogging
Sun.  1:15 – 2:15              B             Level 2                   II                       i         
Sat.    3:30 – 5:00       TIME          Fiddle               open                      open
Sun.  2:30 – 3:30            C             Level 3
Sunday  4:30 – 6:30           Family Dance: All students, families and friends
                                             (Admission is $5 for those over 5 years old)              

Choose ONE schedule option: fee (incl. Family Dance ticket)
____ Fiddle 1 + Clogging i $65 
____ Fiddle 2 + Clogging ii $65 
____ Fiddle 2 + Clogging ii + Mandolin I $90
____ Fiddle 3 + Clogging ii $65
____ Fiddle 3 + Clogging I + Mandolin I $90
____ Fiddle 3 + Clogging ii + Mandolin II $90
____ Mandolin I + Clogging i $65
____ Mandolin II + Clogging ii $65
____ Clogging only (i or ii) $25

Late Registration Fee:  After February 19, 2005   add  $10     (Cancellation fee: $15)

Sheet music for "Cripple Creek" variation for Fiddle 3 students will be mailed when registration is received.  All other tunes are in Brian Wicklund’s  American Fiddle Method Volumes 1 and 2.  Please let me know if you  need copies of the tunes sent. (Tune lists are on information page.)

Make checks payable to "Mary Ver Hoef" and mail with this form to:
 3563 Ida Lane,    Fairbanks, AK  99709
Your registration will be confirmed by e-mail, and Mary will use e-mail for other notices and updates.

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